Dear Sky

Friday, June 18, 2010
today is june 18th. the digital clock at the edge of my computer screen says its 12:52 pm. i wonder when was the last time that i really seize the day wholeheartedly?... where the feelings like being all excited for the day by waking up at 7 am, having a real breakfast and getting a shower in the morning totally make sense. and i don't mean a 10 o'clock breakfast... and you people still call that breakfast? other than that, if it wasn't for work, all i see now is that my life or my day, pretty much starts at 12 in the afternoon. i don't know why i'm typing this. but i just hope by doing this i can get my mind uncluttered. music is all i care about ever since i have auditory perception. and i didn't watch that much tv either.

i appreciate my job. back then, the people around me tend to look at different perspective when they hear the word "pilot". to summarize things, they will talk more regarding the negative stuff about pilots. i used to hate them. but now, i don't blame them. now i do realize that they were kind of like giving me a heads up of how my industry is like. how my environment unfolds when i put on that white shirt with the epaulettes. how people approached me as i walked pass them. it's all nice with bad intentions. it will slowly deviates you off your path if you don't hold on to yourself. i knew things aren't like this during the golden years of aviation. but now its already a plague. a plague caused from civilization failure, human ego and undivided sectors of different priorities given to life on different individuals. i knew nothing about politics, but i think i do know roughly what civilization means.
nowadays they don't make pilots like they used to...
- a respected senior captain

i wish that all of the wing operators nowadays decides to be who they are now 100% only because the passion and interest they have in flying and airplanes respectively. otherwise, the term "pilots" can never be used anymore. it's already have been polluted. believe me.

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